My colleague ordered this one for her 12 year-old daughter. Hope she likes it.
And this one used to be a necklace. Since I cannot wear a short necklace anymore (because of the hijab), so I transformed it into a bracelet.
I've bought a few other materials online last week...can't wait to receive it and start on a new project... :)
thank you...
sesapa nk utk anak dia, blh la order...hee
range rega lebih kurang brape tuh anis? kot2 aku ble sebar2kan info nih... ble tamb pelanggan ko :D
yg ada nama tu RM10 je.. thanx aweng :)
utk lain2 design..will be in my new blogshop for everything handmade coming soon.. insyaAllah..
cantik arr..ko buat sendiri ker anis..kalo utk budak2 buat ker?
thank u..a'ah anis buat sendiri.. yg ada nama tu mmg utk budak2..blh buat ikut wrist size
anis kalo aku nak buat nama anak aku brepe harga dia eik..cantik arr..
klu nk pls bg nama apa nk ltk n ukur lilit wrist..
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