I went to Ariani yesterday. My initial plan was to buy ONE pink hijab for my baju raya. I got the pink one.

Then suddenly my hand had a life of its own...it started grabbing the green and the purple and the blue and the grey...

Oh nooo..it didn't stop there. Then comes a couple of the printed ones.

And in the end, I walked out of the store with SEVEN pieces of tudung in my hand...hee
But when I reached home, I realized I miss ONE more color for another pair of baju kurung...not again...hahaha
Here's me in one of them...lawa tak?
lawa la anis...
geram plak aku tgk..huhu
tudung nye ke org nye..hehe
ish..jeles... cantik2...
dua-dua pon lawa...
selamat hari raya anis..maaf zahir & batin.
lama kita tak jumpa ye..hmm.
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