Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Twenty Ten

Time does fly...

Let's recap what were my plans for 2009.
  • be a better Muslim inside out
  • do charity works
  • reach the office before 9am.. LOL
  • travel to a new destination (probably Perth or Bali...hehe)
Hmmm.. let see what I have accomplished for the past 365 days.
  • better Muslim - still improving and its an ongoing process
  • charity works - I'm a registered organ donor; but still a lot can be done to help those in need
  • reach office before 9am - continue LOL.. (its the hardest resolution.. gimme a break)
  • travel - I've travelled to Perth with my mom & sis
Other highlights...
1. I've been entrusted as the Head of Social for my company's Sports & Social Club, so I was responsible to organize all of the social activities for the club.
2. Gained interest in jewelry making and even received a few orders from friends.

Not forgeting the lowlights...
1. All the breakups & makeups with my other half. Even after 3 years we're together, he still doesn't have the courage to "pop-the-question". (something to think about for my 2010's reso...)
2. An uninspiring salary increment.. only 2 percent.. WTF

2010 Resolutions:-
1. Finish up all backdated jewelry orders. (sorry to all customers.. ur patience is very much appreciated..)
2. Start a jewelry making class - proposal dh siap.. tinggal nk execute je
3. Get myself engaged to ****. (foul-proof plan needed.. hehe)
4. Time for a career advancement - kena update resume nih
5. Pegi umrah. insyaAllah..
6. Socialize more with frens. (blh kira dgn jari brape kali Anis outing dgn kengkwn.. i'm sorry guys..)

Hopefully I manage to fulfil all of the above or at least 80 percent of it..

Currently listening to Nobody by WONDER GIRLS

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